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Cole Kazdin

Cole Kazdin is a writer, performer, and four-time Emmy Award-winning television journalist. She is a regular contributor to VICE, and has written for The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Traffic, Los Angeles Magazine, MEL Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and many others.

Cole tells stories live on The Moth's Mainstage across the country, The Moth Radio Hour on NPR, RISK! , and performs storytelling all over Los Angeles where she is a proud, three-time Moth GrandSLAM champion. She was a featured performer at the Ojai Storytelling Festival; her solo performances have garnered national praise and been optioned for film.

 A contributing author to the bestselling book, The Moth Presents All These Wonders: True Stories About Facing the Unknown (2017), she coaches and teaches writers all over the world, as well as leading workshops and classes for corporations and universities. She has produced television for HBO Documentaries and ABC Network News. 

 Cole has survived amnesia, living in New York City and a very awkward interview with Kirk Cameron during which he told her she was going to hell.

Cole’s Contributions